Thursday, September 30, 2010

Christmas is coming!

I am currently gearing up for two Christmas craft shows.  That means I'm busy beyond belief!  I still have so much to make and I still have to price everything and put together an inventory.  Craft shows are a lot of work, but I wouldn't trade them for anything.  I've been doing these two shows for years with my mom; it's a great opportunity to spend time with her and bond in our common interest of crafting!

I've always thought of myself as a crafter, not an artist, but this year I began to think of myself a little differently.  You see, I'm not very good at painting - my hands just aren't that steady - and I don't usually come up with original ideas.  But this year - this year, I think something has started to change.  I saw an idea in a magazine to create these wonderful "doodle" ornaments.  I decided to try it and wham-o!  All of sudden, I am painting on these ornaments and making my own designs!  I truly began to feel like an artist!

These are two of the first ones I made.  I love them.  I'm eager to see how well they do at the show.  Each one I've made has been unique - just like snowflakes, there are no two alike.

If you are inclined to try this for yourself, I found the idea in the BH&G Holiday Crafts magazine.  All it takes is a Elmer's Painters pen, a matte-finish ornament, and a little creativity!  See what you come up with!